

Keep Looking

Keep Looking
Keep Looking

Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations
Good Vibrations


Something about this metallic dress, that makes me feel like I'm wearing a bit of armor; ready to take on the week ahead, no time to waste, places to go, people to see, slow it down?, "as if", feelings. 

After a weekend where all I did was let myself unwind..
 laying in the park with one handsome fellow, reading on my fire escape, sipping on a little coronita at all times, running to the bodega for an ice pop, and all around letting go for once. Making no plans or promises, slowing down, remembering to look around me, to laugh a little, and just re-lax. 

I don't remind myself nearly enough to 
soak in what it really feels like to be around good old-fashioned L-O-V-E
and stop
count some of these
and do a little of this.

Have you ever worn something that made you feel a little like superwoman? 

Ready to take on the workweek, pay the cable bill, brave the grocery store during rush hour, the subway uptown to visit friends, during the same. 
To wake up before the sun and go to yoga, 
write more to-do lists; 
watch that documentary about green living 
or was it binge 
watch The Mary Tyler Moore Show, I can't remember. 
To call home, plan a trip to visit my little brothers - they are growing up too quickly, too soon. 
Visit with my best friend, the most recent of us to get engaged. Remind her of how many times we dreamt about this moment, are we really getting this old? 
To wait some more, think or write about the things I'd be remiss to let go of, but probably should.
Wearing: Boohoo Dress, Joe Fresh Sneakers

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